Wednesday, September 13, 2017

PCSO Lotto Winning Chances

Winning the PCSO Lotto is very hard. The mathematical idea involves combination in terms of calculating the chance of winning. Given that the combination of numbers involves a wide range usually between 42 to 58 on the top lotto games, we can have a guess that winning is a matter of luck. Luck can happen anytime, but the chance of winning Millions only happens when you bet. Not betting will not lead to winning in this game. A lot of winners have en-cashed their millions and now live a happy and prosperous life. Some however spent everything and gone worst in terms of financial life. Every person is unique, hence your management of money if you won depends only on the winner. But before delving more on what you do with millions of money, the jackpot, or your life changer, we should be prepared with the following facts of lottery chances.

The formula for combination for non-repeating terms given the total number of possible items n and r as the count of permitted result. We get the formula:

Possible Combination C = n! / (r! (n-r)!)

So we compute the PCSO lotto winning chances by following the formula above and list the results in terms of the number of possible combinations per game.

6/58 Ultra Lotto Winning Chances


Possible Combination is 40,475,358.

6/55 Grand Lotto Winning Chances


Possible Combination is 28,989,675.

6/49 Super Lotto Winning Chances


Possible Combination is 3,983,816.

6/45 Mega Lotto Winning Chances


Possible Combination is 8,145,060

6/42 Lotto Winning Chances


Possible Combination is 5,245,786.

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